Water Department

The Water Distribution / Sewer Collection Department is comprised of two employees who maintain more than 35+ miles of water main and services, 25 miles of sanitary sewer main and 20 miles of storm sewer main.

Services include:

  • Review reports of sanitary sewer backups, water leaks, ditching and storm water problems.
  • Repair broken mains, structures and appurtenances relating to the city's portion of these utility systems in accordance with state and federal requirements.
  • Service and maintain over 1,000 water meters and exercise the 100+ hydrants and water main valves in the system, respectively.

The operations director and water distribution foreman are the EGLE licensed operators for the city's water distribution system. This department also performs all of the Miss Dig utility staking requests within the city, cross-connection inspections and submission of the required reports to the EGLE for compliance. Site plan review for replacement, installation and/or repair of water, sanitary and storm sewer is also reviewed and inspected by the water department. During the winter month this department may also be called upon for thawing water mains and services throughout the city.

The water distribution department's primary goal is continuing to supply safe water to all of the city's water utility customers.


(906) 387-2095


Ryan Anderson • Shawn Bosley  

Wastewater Treatment Plant

  • Operate and maintain all drinking water production wells and reservoirs.
  • Monitor drinking water quality including fluoride on a daily basis.
  • Sample and analyze entire city and industrial park water systems for bacterial contamination.
  • Operate and maintain a state-licensed laboratory for analysis of water including a complete quality control and quality assurance program.
  • Operate and maintain a complete mix activated sludge wastewater treatment plan.
  • Operate and maintain five pumping stations including handling all wastewater from Alger Max, 7 days a week, 8 hours a day operation including preventive maintenance and QA, AC program.
  • Laboratory analysis run daily to determine process control activities.
  • Protect Anna River and Lake Superior from contamination.
  • Staff includes 1 supervisor, 1 maintenance foreman, 1 lab tech. and two operators.


Ron Kleiman, Superintendent
Wastewater Treatment Plant 
(906) 387-2419


Lee Curtis, Maintenance Foreman • Jason Gauthier, Lab Tech • 
Nicholas Bogater, Operator